Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Millionaire City on Facebook

Millionaire City is a Facebook game where you build up your own city complete with businesses housing and decorations. Make money by renting out your housing structures using contracts. Your businesses will provide you with steady income too. Use your revenues to build more structures and slowly expand your city. Complete quests and try to make the most money in Millionaire city.
City building games have become quite popular on Facebook and Millionaire City is one of the best offerings. To increase your population and start earning money you will need to build some housing units. First you will need to find out how many plots the house will take and after you use the plot tool you can add your first housing units. Each house will provide several contracts you can choose from. These contracts will provide you with income as they come due. Your revenues will turn into Millionaire City dollars which you can use to buy more housing or businesses for your growing city. As you level up bigger housing units and even apartments will become available for you to add to your city.
In the game you can also add commerce buildings to your city. Be sure to place these next to some housing units since the radius of the commerce building will provide you with more income if it is in range of come housing units. There are coffee shops, flower ships, cafes, nightclubs, malls and other commerce buildings you can add to your city. Be sure you have enough plot space to lay down the building that you want. You can do this by busing the plot tool.
Decorations in the game such as trees and other structures can provide an income bonus if they are places next to resident buildings such as houses or apartments. Not only will your city look better but you will make more money too. There are currently several gardens and tress to choose from but not much selection yet. Hopefully the developers will add more soon to the game so the player has more decorative options.
You can make additional money by visiting your Facebook friends who have cities or you can use the ones provided by the game. More money can made by building some of the wonders in the game such as the golden statute or pyramids.
The graphics in Millionaire city are decent for a Facebook game and there is a nice “money” sounding soundtrack but it getting boring after you play for a while. The game is good but it doesn’t really add too much different to the city building genre on Facebook. There are currently not enough varied structures in the game and more need to be added for better game play.

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