Millionaire City is a great Facebook city building game. Players build various structures such as residences to collect rent and build businesses to collect additional revenues. Use this guide to start making more money in your game.
Making Money
You can make money in Millionaire City by taking contracts from your tenants. Your buildings will flash with star icon indicating that you can take a contract with that building. The family contract will be available in three minutes and give you $350.00 cash for your city as well as one experience. The students contract will be ready in thirty minutes and give you $1230.00 cash for your city. The tourists contract takes one hour to complete with the end result of $1570.00 for your city. These are the three basic contracts but you can take longer ones for more cash.
The rock star contract takes two hours to complete but gives you $2572.00 for your city. The pensioners contract takes four hours to complete but gives you $4300.00 for your city. The athletes contract takes eight hours to complete but gives you $5800.00. The pilots contract takes twelve hours but gives you $8500.00 for your city. Some contracts take more than one day to complete but yield the most money.
The hostess contract yields $12000.00 but takes an entire day to complete. The artists contacts takes two days but gives you a massive $17000.00 for your city. The highest paying contacts is available in three days wit the friends contracts giving you $20700.00 dollars.
By building shops in Millionaire City you can have a steady stream of income coming in. You have pizza parlors, coffee shops, flower shops, bowling, jewelry stores, stadiums, hospitals, banks, malls and other structures that will give you cash on n ongoing basis. These buildings should be built along with your residences for the maximum profits for your growing city. You can also make investments with your Facebook friends for cash too. Expanding your city will give you more room and thus more chances to make add ional cash. Be sure not to build too quickly or you can go broke in the game. Build only when you can afford it and do it slowly so you have a chance to manage your cash flow. Take down buildings you no longer need and put up higher paying ones.
Millionaire City is a fun game and worth playing. Be sure to take your time with it and build a great looking city that brings you tons of cash too.