Friday, May 23, 2014

Fog of War Napoleonic Wars

For of War is a web based browser game that takes place in the Napoleonic Era. The game features base building, heroes, and combat via the game map. This game is very similar to the popular web based game Evony.
Game Review
Fog of War Napoleonic Wars is a very fun game to play. This game involves building up your base from humble beginnings until it reaches an economic and military powerhouse. You an build walls, barracks, houses, forgers, stables, beacon towers, universities and other structures to improve your town and its ability to fight. Your walls can be reinforced with defensive structures such as traps, towers, and falling rocks. The graphics are very good for a browser game and the game loads fairly quickly. This game is new and more things are being added all the time to make it better.
An important part of your initial development is your resource and population production so you should concentrate on that right away. Outside your base you have your "rural" area which you ca find at the top of your map. At this location you can develop food, wood, iron and stone resources for your developing town. Inside your town you will need to build cottages to increase your population numbers to fill your mines and also to give you enough people for your troops.
You can build troops once you have a rally point and a barracks. Each troop may require new technologies which you can research at a university. You will need to upgrade certain buildings periodically to get access to new troop types. Your university will also help you improve other areas of your town such as your economy or even make your soldiers fight better once they engage in battle. You should work on upgrading your University as soon as possible. If you upgrade your town center you will have more room for extra troops in your armies.
You can control your armies with commanders or "heroes" which can be recruited from your town. These units can be economic as a mayor, a fighter or help you with technology improvements. These units can also be equipped with items that help to improve their statistics in the game and make them work better for you. You also have the ability to join an alliance and fight with other players in the game too. You an buy items that improve your game play from the store if you want to with real cash but you can still play for free as well.
Fog of War Napoleonic Wars is a fun browser based game. It is free to join and will entertain you if you like this type of strategy game.

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