Saturday, December 31, 2011

Old Republic Best Guide

There are a number of SWTOR guides appearing on the Internet to help you with the game and some of them are quite good. One of the best SWTOR guides is called the Savior Guide. With his guide you'll learn everything there is to know about SWTOR.

  • Power Leveling - This guide shows you how to level in the game fast so you can have a good character right away. This guide is always updated with new content.
  • Credits - The guide shows you how to make a lot of SWTOR credits in the shortest time period possible. You'll need plenty of credits to get all the great stuff in the game.
  • Class Builds - Learn how to make the best builds for PVE and PVP matches against guilds and other players.
  • SWTOR Profession Guides - This massive guide provides detailed individual guides for each of the professions in the game.
  • SWTOR Gear and Items - The guide contains information on all the great gear and items in the game. The guide is always updated with new content so you won't miss out on anything.
  • Designed by Hardcore Gamers - this guide is designed by gamers who know what they are doing so you can stay on top of the game with pros.
Included with the levelling guide are full color maps and notes to make sure that you know where you are going at ANY time. Also we will show you how to make the most out of ANY area you are in – where you can find the best gear, items for crafting, best drops etc…

SWTOR Saviour is the ULTIMATE guide for Star Wars The Old Republic!

This is the ONLY guide on the web that gives you a COMPLETE LEVELING guide from level 1 to level 50 for ALL Classes.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Star Wars The Old Republic Game Guide

Several thousand years before the rise of Darth Vader the Sith Empire first came to power and challenged the previously peaceful Galactic Republic, plunging several systems into a long war. When the war finally ended with the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, the Empire had won a minor victory with its acquisition of new planets, but many lives were lost to both sides. The disgust and hatred each side felt for the other did not end with the war, but remained long afterwards, and the tension between the Empire and Republic seems to be a breaking point. Was a new war coming?

Star Wars The Old Republic aims to answer this question with a storyline that directly involves each character and class, showing both their history and a current story progression that is based on the player's decisions as they play. With a leveling range that starts at one and goes to fifty, there are several different options accessible to players with different goals in mind. For those who are interested in combat against other players, special servers have been established where PvP can take place freely, and several battle areas have been set aside for Empire and Republic players to fight for their side and win great rewards. Roleplay servers are also available for players who want to get into their character's roles, and many roleplaying guilds also exist.

With so many different paths that players may choose to go, having a SWTOR strategy guide to assist in the leveling process and end-game content can be great. Strategy guides can provide very important information, especially when it comes to the classes and their abilities. Skill trees are still very new to Star Wars The Old Republic, and a strategy guide can provide the most up-to-date information on what skills are most helpful to for the different environments. Space combat is also featured in the game and it can be benefitial to gather as much information as possible about starships, the various planet systems, and the actual combat involved with traveling through space. A list of missions that are available from different quest givers are also included in strategy guides, which can be very nice for players who are leveling and having difficulty figuring out where to pick up the next quest. The new credit system and Galactic Trade Network may also be new to some players, and detailed strategy guide on maneuvering the two is helpful. For everything surrounding Star Wars The Old Republic strategies in leveling, crafting, selling, and other content, SWTOR Savior is the best guide available on the market since it will help both new and older players to the game.

Monday, December 19, 2011

SWTOR Power Leveling Guide

The long history between two opposing forces, the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, goes back over three thousand years. At that time, the Empire first emerged and gained a following large enough to challenge the Republic. Years of combat on various planet systems followed, with an eventual treaty that ended the war but not the enmity felt by both sides. In the years since the Treaty of Coruscant was signed, the Empire and Republic have struggled to maintain a peaceful relationship and the two factions have reached a point where war may be the only option.This is the volatile setting that players find themselves in upon starting their epic Star Wars The Old Republic journey, and they will soon find that their decisions directly affect the progression of the storyline, possibly deciding the fate of the Star Wars universe.

When starting a new character, players have the ability to choose between the Empire and the Republic, with each side also offering four unique classes. The leveling process itself is filled with many interesting elements. Quests have been given the name "missions", and all missions contribute to the SWTOR storyline. Missions for specific classes help explain the story surrounding each class, while group missions are also available for groups of players to accomplish together. The leveling process is made much easier by the existence of a helpful user interface displaying missions, tutorials, and the ever-important experience bar. The map is also a great tool for use during missions. After leaving the starting areas, Flashpoints (often referred to as dungeons) become available, in which players must complete difficult challenges as part of a group. Companions can make the leveling process much easier, as they can craft and gather items for players, even if the players are located on other planets. Space combat is also a process unique to Star Wars The Old Republic, and offers players the option of investigating different planet systems while actively participating in space travel. Starting players should keep in mind that joining a guild can also provide great benefits, such as better coordination in Flashpoints and later raids, and help with professions. The wealth of content and vast expanse of the beautiful Star Wars universe will certainly warrant further research by the player before making important decisions.

When beginning a new MMORPG, a leveling guide is always a very helpful tool. Leveling guides can provide information on quest givers, the order of quests in questline, and tips on how to level more efficiently. Leveling guides are definitely not limited to just leveling, and many have important information for players looking for help with end-game content. Information on abilities, Flashpoints, and raids are also provided in many leveling guides. When choosing a SWTOR leveling guide, the best option for all players, both new and further along in their journey, is SWTOR Savior. This guide contains the most up-to-date details on the leveling process while also including the best information for players who are close to or have already reached the level cap. Get some power leveling with this guide.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Star Wars The Old Republic Secrets Guide

Here are a few points you must remember about SWTOR. Each class on each side has its own unique type of character which is different from WOW where a Warrior on one side will often have a Warrior on the other side.

In SWTOR, all you need to remember is that there are classes that focuses on defense and those that focuses on dealing damage. Here are a list of classes for the republic and the empire: Republic classes: – Trooper consisting of Vanguard and Commando – Smuggler consisting of Gunslinger and Scoundrel – Jedi knight consisting of Guardian and Sentinel – Jedi Consular consisting of the Sage and the Shadow Empire classes: – Bounty Hunter consisting of Powertech and Mercenary – Sith Warrior consisting of Juggernaut and Marauder – Imperial Agent consisting of Operative and Sniper – Sith Inquisitor consisting of the Assassin and the Sorcerer Each of these classes allows you to move towards one of these 2 advanced Classes and these are specialized career paths.

Each path will help you to accomplish a certain role in an easier way or participate in large scale battles where you need to cooperate as a team. It also influences the role you play as well so it is very important to plan your characters from the start. Do not try and put points into areas you will not use later on or you will regret your decision as the game advances. View this game guide to learn more about SWTOR.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ultimate Skyrim Guide

Abeona Guide is a COMPLETE walkthrough for The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim from start to finish. Tamriel is a huge world and it is very easy to get lost and off track in the game. The Abeona guide is a full walkthrough  that will guide you through the quests. You will get full color maps and easy step by step instructions so you get to see EVERY part of this game.The name “Abeona” comes from the Roman Goddess of Outward Journeys – she was believed to guard children on their first ventures away from home and look over them and protect them! Let the Abeona guide protect you throughout your adventures in Tamriel and see how this AWESOME game was meant to be played!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

BF3 Dominator – The Best Battlefield 3 Guide Is Here!

If you are looking for a good guide to Battlefield 3 then you need to check out BF3 Dominator! This guide claims to take you from a beginner to a season yet in a short period of time. Because it gives you the strategies that you will need  for victory.The game is focused on teamwork and so you need to know your classes, maps and the strategies being used so you don’t get left behind. You also need to know the weapons in the game and how to use them properly.A great guide for the game is BF3 Dominator which is complete and even features videos with the well written content. This guide is recommended for Battlefield 3 players, it is an outstanding guide to this military shooter.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Battlefield 3 Strategy Guide

The Relik guide is a Battlefield 3 mastery guide. The guide aims to show players how to get top ranked in Battlefield 3 competitive online game play.

Our Battlefield 3 guide teaches you pro tactics, such as map strategies or the best weapon builds. You will have what it takes to become one of the best Battlefield 3 players, in every game and carrying your team to victory.
From in-depth class guides through weapon customization guides, we break down every aspect of the game to get you playing like a pro gamer. Get the great Battlefield 3 online guide.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Mechwarrior Online Coming 2012

Welcome MechWarrior!

Piranha Games is proud to bring you the next instalment in the MechWarrior® franchise. It has been a long time coming and this synopsis will help to answer some of your questions. Set in  the popular Battleytech Universe. When coming up with the core game features for MechWarrior® Online, we create and focused on four pillars of design and player experience. 
These pillars include:

Mech Warfare – The embodiment of Mech to Mech combat.
Role Warfare – The ability for player’s to customize their experience to suit their own style of gameplay.
Community Warfare – The ability to let the players take part in epic combat for territorial control.
Information Warfare – Bring a new element to the battlefield that incorporates information technology to help control the fight.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

CastleVille By Zynga Set To Launch This Month Nov 2011

CastleVille By Zynga Set To Launch This Month Nov 2011. CastleVille is the latest game by social game developer Zynga and will debut on Facebook in 17 languages. The trailer for this game is now available.

CastleVille offers player a new medieval style setting and is the most ambitious game by the company to date. The game will feature several different characters. The game will include city building, exploration and other elements that have made Zynga games so popular on Facebook. The core feature of the game is the ability to create and build your own kingdom, complete with castles, bridges, plants, walls and townspeople. Users can then show off their creations off to their friends, just like previous games in the “Ville” series.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How To Play Edgeworld On Facebook

Edegeworld  is a great sci-fi themed browser game you can play from Facebook. Build a base and attack your friends or NPCs on the game map. Build multiple units and defend your base with powerful turrets.
How To Play Edgeworld On Facebook 

How To Play Airport City On Facebook

Airport City on Facebook is a game where you build up your own airport. Use multiple planes, build runways, and get passengers for your new airport. Use fuel and have your friends planes land at your airport. Read my Airport City Game Guide.

How To Play Ravenskye City On Facebook

Ravenskye City is a Facebook games based upon the popular Ravenwood Fair game. In Ravenskye City you build a city for your friends up from the ruins. Players take quests and build plenty of neat structures as they battle monsters. How To Play Ravenskye City On Facebook 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

War Commander Game Guide

War Commander is a RTS strategy war game you can play right from Facebook. Collect metal and oil as you build up your forces. Train infantry, mechanized, and aircraft military units in the game. Upgrade your units, build defences, and fight NPCS as you build up. Once you have a great base you can try your luck against other Facebook players. The game features battles where you can control individual units and move them around during battles. Read my War Commander Guide.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cityville Game Guides

Wasteland Empires Facebook Game

Wasteland Empires is a Facebook city building war game. Clean your city of debris, build an army, train up technology and battle other users on the game map.  Read my review of Wasteland Empires.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mafia Wars 2 Goes Live

Zyngas latest release on the Facebook platform is Mafia Wars 2 which is now live on the site.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Zynga Releases Adventure World on Facebook

You can now play the new Facebook game adventure World by Zynga on Facebook. Discover a new treasure hunting style game and explore a vast number of maps. Read my Adventure World Game Guide.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Play Cafe Land On Facebook

Create your own Cafe with CafeLand on Facebook. Serve dishes, and decorate your new cafe with fun items. Read my CafeLand Guide.

Garrisons Come To City of Wonder

Play City of Wonder and use the new garrisons expansions. Use your population to build military units and keep them happy with morale. Take part in military expeditions and grow your army. Read my City of Wonder Garrisons Guide.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Play Noah's Ark on Facebook

Play a biblical themed game called Noah's Ark on Facebook and help Noah build the ark. Guide to follow soon.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Play Fitness City on Facebook.

Play the fun fitness building city game on Facebook. Build the fitness center of your dreams complete with aqua, fitness, and wellness centers. Collect coins and gain prestige as you build. Read my full Fitness City Guide.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Total Domination Nuclear Strategy

Play Total Domination: Nuclear Strategy on Facebook. Build up your base and collect uranium and titanium as you develop your base. Train infantry, aircraft and armored vehicles. Dominate over your opponents with your ultimate army. Read my guide.

Friday, April 15, 2011

CityVille Introduces Cruise Ships

CityVille has launched cruise ships in the game. Read my guide to CityVille cruise ships here and make more money for your city. Get rewards for completing the cruise ship quests.

Farmville English Countryside Quests

Farmville English Countryside has some great new quests you can do to get used tot he new farm. You'll get lots of great items for completing the quests. Read my English Countryside quests guide here.

Colony of War Guides

I have written some guides for the new browser game Colony of War.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Top Five Facebook City Building Games

Facebook has a number of great city buildings games. In this list we look at the top five games including CityZen, City of Wonder, Big Business, Social City and CityVille. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Warbase Game Guide

Learn all about the fun war game Warbase on Facebook with this game guide. Train troops, tanks, and planes as you take missions or battle other game players. Use defenses to protect your base and make money with homes and other structures.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Deep Realms Releases On Facebook

Deep Realms

Deep Realms is a Facebook RPG game. Take your character through multiple dungeons and other areas.Get new weapons, armor and level up. Visit the town and do PvP in the arenas. An epic adventure awaits you with Deep Realms on Facebook.

UPDATE: Read my Deep Realms Game Guide

Dragon Age Legends Game Guide

Dragon Age Legends by EA is a Facebook browser game based upon the popular PC and console game series. Take your character through multiple missions, customize with weapons, armor, and different skills. Get your own keep to make potions and other items. Live the adventure with Dragon Age Legends.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

CityVille Game Guides: The Police Station

Play CityVille and use the new police station to catch crooks for rewards. Ask your Facebook friends for donuts to wake your cops and get them out finding criminals. The police station is a fun new addition to CityVille the city building game on Facebook. Read my guide.

Battle Pirates on Facebook

Battle Pirates is a Facebook game where you build up a base complete with defensive structures and weapon systems. Build powerful warships and use different weapons as you take to the high seas. Collect resources and build up your mighty pirate empire with battle Pirates on Facebook. Read my full review of this great Facebook game.

UPDATE: Read my Battle Pirates Game Guide.

Warbase Review

Warbase on Facebook

Warbase is a Facebook RTS game. Build military units, and construct a base with defenses such as walls. Use your units to battle your friends, other Facebook users or take missions. Read my game guide for this great new game.

English Countryside Crops Guide

English Countryside Crops Guide

English Countryside is the new expansion for Farmville that takes you to England for all new crops, sheep breeding and other fun items. If you are looking for a guide to the new crops check out my English Countryside crops guide.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Zombies Invade Facebook With Zombie Lane By Digital Chocolate

Digital Chocolate has a new game called Zombie Lane. The game is a mix of a shooter and part builder too. Defend your house, add fences, grow crops for energy and shoot hordes of Zombies for loot items. Use different weapons, take part in quests and more with Zombie Lane on Facebook.

Global Warfare on Facebook

Facebook has a new game that is very similar to Evony but with modern units such as tanks and fighters called Global Warfare. The game has a good mix of units, great technology, and a nice game map. You can hire your Facebook friends to be your generals and send them gifts such as resources. your friends can also help you build structures in the game and train techs too. Give the game a try and read my game guide here.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Galaxy Online II Comes to Facebook

Galaxy Online II

Galaxy Online II is a RTS space based strategy game on Facebook. Build your fleet, use commanders, technology, and fight with other Facebook users. Collect blueprints from NPC instances and use those to make better ships and weapons. Create multiple ship types with the ship building feature. This game offers one of the best space based game experiences you can have on Facebook. Read my full review.

Galaxy Online II Game Guide